Eclipse Automation
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Connect and Control

“Our experience in luxury homes drives our desire to combine the many elaborate home systems into a clean and simple homeowner experience- connecting lighting, shades, home entertainment, safety and comfort to work seamlessly for the client in a way that suites their interests and personality.”

Lighting and Shades

“Your home should be illuminated as carefully as it was designed. Light should be directed, and orchestrated. It should behave as naturally as the sun giving warmth and reflecting beauty. Your shades should allow you the views you love, the privacy you want, and filter the harsh light you don’t. When we control light within the home we must also control the light outside the home. This must be as easy as pressing a button or just saying the word. These are the first principles of our lighting philosophy. We design, curate and install great lighting guided by this.”

Palladiom Shading System
New Construction and Remodel

Ambiance and Entertainment

“Creating environments that are a joy to live in combines great light with great music and great fun immersing you in what you see, hear, and feel while connecting you to your favorite stations, films, episodes and playlists.”

Energy Management and Storage

“We all have a responsibility to steward our energy resources well. This begins with harnessing control of our usage. It is complimented by gathering available energy and saving it for when we need it most. We have specialized knowledge and expertise for success in this area.”

sonnenBatterie Eclipse Automation
Custom LED Lighting

Safety And Security

“When you know the doors are locked and the windows are closed- and you can see and talk to the person at the door- and you’re four states away, that’s peace of mind”