Eclipse Automation
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Who is Eclipse Automation and what have they done with Marmot Electric?

If you have heard of Marmot Electric then you probably know that John Cummins started wiring houses in the Vail Valley in 1994 and for nearly 30 years he has worked with a lot of builders, architects and lighting designers in this very special corner of the world.  In  the early 2000’s he started providing Lutron Lighting control and shades and the moniker Eclipse Automation was born. In recent years we have added business-class networking, audio and video solutions, energy management and storage, and integration with partner like Control 4 and Josh AI and now we are fully embracing the Eclipse Automation name. The good news is that we are still electricians and we can now take care of  virtually ALL of your wiring and automation needs.


John Cummins


Joel Cummins


Kyle Groen